Yes, anything fried!

July Birthday Celebration:-
Tia & Joanna
Menu for the nite:-
B'day cake- Linda
Linda- Penang titbits
Talia-Fried Dumpling
Florence- Fried Bee Hoon
Rita- Mee Goreng
Jean- Spicy chips
Joanna-Taiwan biscuit
Kenneth- Indian Rojak
Shirley- Wings
Linda- Penang titbits
Talia-Fried Dumpling
Florence- Fried Bee Hoon
Rita- Mee Goreng
Jean- Spicy chips
Joanna-Taiwan biscuit
Kenneth- Indian Rojak
Shirley- Wings
Join in the fun by bringing something to share.. do email Tracy @,
to enable update of blog on who's bringin what to avoid
duplication :)
Can't think of what to bring-Drinks/ Paper plates/cups/cutlery are welcome too!
Thank you & God's MULTIPLIED Unceasing Overflowing Richest Blessings on U!